Hello Daniel, you can copy the shortcode in your admin panel. You need to go to Appearence -> Widgets and then add our widget to your widget area. Configure it and you will get the shortcode at the bottom, then you can remove the widget from your widget panel.
Here is an example of the short code:
[weather_pro cityid=”85683″ title=”” city=”Washington” units=”c” today=”on” now_icon=”on” now_temp=”on” now_humidity=”on” now_pressure=”on” now_cloudiness=”on” now_wind=”on” now_sunrise=”off” days=”4″ layout=”horizontal” wind=”off” rain=”off” rainchance=”on” icon=”on” temp=”on” backgroundcolor=”#ffffff” bordercolor=”#ffffff” textcolor=”#000000″ iconscolor=”dark” weathericonscolor=”color” fontsize=”15″ shadow=”off”]
Please, change your rating ????thanks!