• Resolved SethAt8vo


    The shortcode won’t display images if tweet is longer than 115 characters. I’ve tried using the tweet_length and url_length variable, but neither of those will work. Here is the website URL: https://www.potomacpathways.org/. The feed is in the right column under News.

    Any ideas are appreciated. Thanks!


Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Plugin Author Martin Tod



    Many thanks for highlighting this. What’s your shortcode? Have you set a tweet_length variable? What happens if you remove it?


    Thread Starter SethAt8vo


    Hi Martin,

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    My shortcode looks like this [rotatingtweets screen_name='potomacpathways' show_media='1']. I’m displaying it in the template with PHP.

    I’ve tried tweet_link but it only works when it is set to something less than 115.

    It is currently removed.

    Thanks for your help!


    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    You’ve found a new Twitter feature!

    It turns out that this issue is a consequence of the new longer Tweet that’s being introduced.

    There’s a new Tweet JSON format coming which should fix the problem and, with a bit of coding, allow Rotating Tweets to show the longer Tweets.

    Currently the information isn’t being sent through by Twitter: the Tweets are currently being truncated by Twitter – not by Rotating Tweets.

    Twitter’s announcement is here – although they don’t appear to have announced the time when this will be implemented yet.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Martin Tod.
    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    This is a more interesting problem than I expected. The Twitter API is sending back a new Tweet format! The truncated value is a new one on me!

    I need to investigate some more…

        [created_at] => Fri Oct 21 14:13:14 +0000 2016
        [id] => 789469596499664897
        [id_str] => 789469596499664897
        [text] => We're going places (and learning stuff)! Nate & Gabe are out in Tucson at the Seven Challenges IOP advanced therapi… https://t.co/cK31qTqoAk
        [truncated] => 1
        [entities] => Array
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                [location] => Cabin John, MD
                [description] => Substance abuse and behavioral Healthcare for teens and young adults
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    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    Aha! There’s a new Tweet JSON format coming which should fix this. Twitter’s announcement is here – although there doesn’t appear to be a time for this yet.

    Currently Rotating Tweets is displaying everything that Twitter is sending through – e.g.

        [created_at] => Fri Oct 21 14:13:14 +0000 2016
        [id] => 789469596499664897
        [id_str] => 789469596499664897
        [text] => We're going places (and learning stuff)! Nate & Gabe are out in Tucson at the Seven Challenges IOP advanced therapi… https://t.co/cK31qTqoAk
        [truncated] => 1
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                [symbols] => Array
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                [urls] => Array
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                                [expanded_url] => https://twitter.com/i/web/status/789469596499664897
                                [display_url] => twitter.com/i/web/status/7…
                                [indices] => Array
                                        [0] => 121
                                        [1] => 144
        [source] => <a href="https://twitter.com/#!/download/ipad" rel="nofollow">Twitter for iPad</a>
        [in_reply_to_status_id] => 
        [in_reply_to_status_id_str] => 
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        [user] => Array
                [id] => 1708069177
                [id_str] => 1708069177
                [name] => Potomac Pathways
                [screen_name] => PotomacPathways
                [location] => Cabin John, MD
                [description] => Substance abuse and behavioral Healthcare for teens and young adults
                [url] => https://t.co/SvzJ9mB148
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    As you might imagine, it will be a fairly immediate priority to implement the new extended Tweet format as soon as it is switched on!

    Thread Starter SethAt8vo


    Okay, thanks! I appreciate you taking the time to look into this.


    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    There’s now a development version that uses the longer tweet.

    Does it work for you?

    Plugin Author Martin Tod


    The latest upgrade should fix this.

    Thread Starter SethAt8vo


    That fixed it. Thank you! I gave you a 5 star review. I really appreciate the quick response and support!

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