• Resolved wpusrtw2a


    I use the shortcode [link:newsletter_view_in_browser_url] in my newsletters.

    Furthermore, I use for a personal greeting a custom field and the name of the subscribers:

    [subscriber:cf_1] [subscriber:lastname | default:Dear all]

    When sending the newsletters, these short codes are perfectly individualized.

    But if the subscriber clicks on the Link “View in Browser”, the greeting ist not individualized, but the short codes themselves are displayed in the browser view. This looks quite odd.

    What could be the reason for that issue? Why are the short codes individualized in the mails, but not in the browser view?

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  • HI!

    Could you please let us know what’s the version of the MailPoet plugin you’re using? We had a few issues related to shortcodes that were fixed in the latest updates.

    Could you ensure you’re using the last one?

    Please let us know.

    Thread Starter wpusrtw2a


    I have update from 3.59 to 3.60 but the issue is still the same. The shortcode for the date is rendered correctly ([date:d]. [date:mtext] [date:y]) in the emails that are sent and in the browser view. The shortcode for the personal greeting (see above) is replaced in the emails that are sent but not in the browser view.

    Alright, thanks for the follow-up ??

    We can confirm this is a bug and we’re working on it to have it fixed in the next plugin update. The fix will work for future emails, but not retroactively for emails that have been already sent.

    Have a nice day!

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