shortcode that switches to a specifec css file?
Is it possible to make a shortcode that will create text that will switch to a specifec css file instead the next one?
Right now there is this shortcode that will switch to the next css file in the list:
[wp_user_stylesheet_switcher switcher_id="s0" list_title="random title" list_type="button" show_list_title="false"]
is it possible to add a new argument like “switch_to”, similar to the example below?
[wp_user_stylesheet_switcher switcher_id="s0" list_title="random title" list_type="button" show_list_title="false" switch_to="style2.css"]
make it so when the shortcode is used with this argument, each time I’ll click the text it will always switch to the file specified under “switch_to” instead of to the next one in the list.or maybe there is already such an option but I simply have no idea about it?
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