Here’s a recap of the email I sent. I really would like to get your help on this ??
Brief Recap
I have the premium version of this plugin, and the shortcode feature is not fully working. It records visits, but it does not record conversions.
Test URL
I am currently running this test at on the first item in the drop down menu.
The A/B Test
I want to test two different phrases in the drop down menu to see which is most effective. Here is my code:
[spt_split_test id=15036 variation="master"]<li><a href="">Start learning about breast implants.</a></li>[/spt_split_test]
[spt_split_test id=15036 variation="variation"]<li><a href="">Sign up for Eden's email series on implants.</a></li>[/spt_split_test]
The Problem
I have the conversion code [spt_conversion id=15036] in my post at but it does not show me any conversions when a user goes to this page.
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