• Resolved Esteban



    Explained here:

    Copied here to make it easier to follow:

    If you search for the shortcode you gave us (users) vía documentation: scfw_product_size_chart
    Then nothing more than the translation itself comes back: https://app.box.com/s/eusp272kwddkifb4n3g92ymmoj1oqbuj
    We know that the WP Shortcode API works like this:
    add_shortcode( ‘foobar’, ‘foobar_func’ );
    So something like this should exist inside the plugin files:
    add_shortcode( ‘scfw_product_size_chart’, ‘scfw_shortcode_callback’ );
    But i doesn’t exists. The add_shortcode call doesn’t exists at all. So the shortcode will never work in the current plugin version.
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  • Plugin Support Hitendra Chopda


    Hello Esteban,

    Thanks for reaching out to us.

    Okay, this code does not exist because you might be using the light version, and the “showcase size chart using shortcode on custom product template” feature is not available in the light version.

    Please review it from your side and us know still if any.

    Best Regards,
    Hitendra & Dotstore Team

    Thread Starter Esteban


    Hi Hitendra.

    If the shortcode shouldn’t be available for non paid users, then why showing it at all and not warn users about a feature available if paid instead?

    Not a good pattern in there.

    Thanks for your time.


    Plugin Support Hitendra Chopda


    Thanks for your feedback, Esteban, and apologies for the inconvenience.

    Sure, we will do the needful changes to that so users get a clear message for the same.

    Best Regards,
    Hitendra & Dotstore Team

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