Thank you!
If you want to move it using an action, you can do something like this (which is Genesis Framework specific, but any reasonable hook will do):
add_action( 'genesis_entry_content', 'prefix_scriptlesssocialsharing_buttons_entry_content', 5 );
function prefix_scriptlesssocialsharing_buttons_entry_content() {
echo wp_kses_post( scriptlesssocialsharing_do_buttons() );
You would need to uncheck both location settings in the plugin, or also include this line to disable the default output:
remove_filter( 'the_content', 'scriptlesssocialsharing_print_buttons', 99 );
Just note that if you want to use the plugin on any kind of archive pages, you’ll need to see how to tackle that in the FAQ. And please practice safe coding, back up your files, etc. etc.
I’ll make a note of the shortcode request. Thanks for the suggestion!