• Hi Kokomo!

    Your plugin is awesome on the editing side of product pages but giving me almost no info when using the shortcode on pages. I have a page where I have input the shortcode for each of my 7 products but all it gives me is the customer name and number of products that were ordered. They are in a completely unstyled table and won’t give me any other info. Is this how it is supposed to work?

    I’m unable to share the site because its locked down in production, but there is a screenshot here: https://snag.gy/90Q4tT.jpg

    Thanks so much!


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  • Plugin Author Kokomo


    HI mbreese1

    Unfortunately the shortcode is just a proof of concept at this point and will only show the amount purchased. I am planning to add more options in the future but I cannot say exactly when, sorry!

    Regarding the styling of the table, I didn’t put any style so that it will take the style of your template.

    Thread Starter mbreese1


    Thanks for the fastest reply ever Kokomo!

    I added $output .= '<td>' . $order->shipping_city . ' ' . $order->shipping_state . '</td>'; to shortcodes.php and its now doing exactly what I want. Any chance you might be willing to add that to the core?

    Plugin Author Kokomo


    Unfortunately I cannot, i’d rather have options for the output, that solution is custom to your needs but might not be good for everyone! But the next update should have some solution for this so i’ll write here once that is done so you can change the settings when you do the update. I’ll keep you posted!

    Plugin Author Kokomo


    Just a heads up that the new update only fixes a small bug in csv export, so don’t update for now or you will lose your changes. I’ll write here when the shortcode options are available.

    Hey, this never made it into a new version, did it?
    I’d also love to expose the column equivalent data on the front end. Any plans?

    ps. even if no plans, it would be great if someone more technical could write up a few instructions on how to do it (like mbreese1 nearly did above)

    Plugin Author Kokomo


    @fdittmar : I’m pretty busy these days but if you tell me which columns you want in your shortcode i could add them as options right away and take care of the rest of them later

    @kokomoweb : That’s a pretty great offer. Personally I’m just in need of a simple customer/student listing to allow people without WP/WC backend access to see basic details and maybe print or email from a protected sitepage that has your shortcode.

    For a contact list, I think all that is needed is:

    Order ID
    Billing first name column
    Billing last name column
    Billing phone column
    Billing e-mail column
    Customer message column

    Of course, if you could also put your backend [Email all customers] button as a shortcode output then I could even let my course teachers email their students easily ; )

    Appreciate anything you can do.

    Plugin Author Kokomo


    Thanks for the info. I ended up deciding to finish the shortcodes completely and am also working on woocommerce 3.0 compatibility. Should be done really soon. Thanks for your patience


    I think you told someone a few weeks ago that the shortcode options are still in beta right now and no parameterization is available… Do you have a rough idea about when you may add to it?
    Am sure you have a never-ending list of stuff to do but would be useful to have an indication.

    All the best. F.

    Plugin Author Kokomo


    Hi @fdittmar,

    I’ve been working on the plugin in the past couple days for other features and might be able to squeeze in the updated shortcode. If not, it will go after my vacation, in mid July. I’ll keep you posted!

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