I am a newbie…
I create all galleries logged as admin.
Actually I achieve that by using EyesOnly plugin to display the gallery I made for a specific user between eyesonly shortcodes. This solution can work for 2 or 3 users but when you have 50 it’s not good, because if you are the 30th user in the list a blank area appears from the top of the page to the displayed gallery, and this blank space increase as much as you are in the bottom of the user list.
Note that I display galleries into tablepress table. I am not a coder so I achieve that with my little knowledge…A coder should achieve this in a very cleaner way.
What I thought was to create gallery named exactly the same as the user name, and use something like a variable to display the right gallery to the connected user.
Something like this [foogallery name=”$connected_user”], don’t fall of your chair it’s just an example !! I don’t know if this syntax does exist ??