• I think there are a couple of issues with the shortcode part of the plugin. I attempted to swap out the widget for just a simple shortcode, and a few things broke in the transition. Notably, I could not get it to load, kept returning the ‘keep refreshing’ error message. I believe I figured out the reason for this issue, after doing some digging.

    On lines 175 and 182, the same line of code reads:
    $results = icit_fetch_open_weather( $appid, $city, $country, $display );

    But, according to the function in the helper class, the last parameter should be $breakdown, and not $display.

    Line 9 of /includes/helpers.php reads:
    function icit_fetch_open_weather( $appid, $city = 'liverpool', $country = 'uk', $extended = false ) {

    And, I’m pretty sure, $extended is supposed to be $breakdown, since it was never passing a simple boolean false, but ‘none’ which should be only for the CSS.

    On a different note, I simplified, and extended the parameters able to be passed in the shortcode by changing a few lines of code in icit-weather-widget.php. Lines 103 – 110 read test individual shortcode atts to see if they read false and then set them appropriately to ‘false’.

    I simplified the code to run a foreach loop on the defaults, tested if they were boolean by default, and if so, applied a filter_var on the current attribute to verify it is indeed boolean, and, if not, doesn’t re-set the attribute.

    foreach( $this->defaults as $key => $default ) {
    	if ( is_bool( $default ) && !is_null( filter_var( $attributes[$key], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN ) ) )
    		$attributes[$key] = filter_var( $attributes[$key], FILTER_VALIDATE_BOOLEAN );

    This worked for me, and extended the boolean variables in the shortcode.

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