Hi shaonpro,
First of all thanks for using Woo Shortcodes Kit!
The section “Counters with data from the shop and user” have a function called “Produts Downloads/Sales counter”.
This function help you to display the downloads/sales counter under each product (in the shop page and in the single product page).
Also have an advanced options to configure the function how you need and if you check the point 3-Display options, you can check where you want to display it.
If you are using Elementor, you can display the counter before the add to cart button just checking the display option “Before add to cart form” and saving the settings.
Also you can use the shortcode option and display the counter where you need, to do it you need to choose the display option “Use shortcode”, but the shortcode need the product ID to work.
So if you cant use the product ID, then i recommend test with the display option “Before add to cart form” and with Elementor template builder add the widget add to cart.
Hope it can be helpful for you, if you need some help more just let me know it and i will glad to help you.