Hi Hal and others,
I had a problem getting the shortcode to display the testimonials in a excerpt fashion, using for example [testimonial_rotator id=690 show_size=excerpt limit_length=265]
Based on Testemonial Rotator Version 1.3.7 I got it to work.
Not sure if this is the best solution since I am not an experienced developer, but this worked for me. I’m open to feedback from the pro’s ??
Modification 1 to testimonial-rotator.php:
Adding this line at the first section of function testimonial_rotator($atts)
$show_size = isset($atts['show_size']) ? $atts['show_size'] : "";
Modification 2 to testimonial-rotator.php:
Replacing this part to function testimonial_rotator($atts)
$postcontent=apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() ) ;
if ($show_size == "excerpt") {
$postcontent=apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_excerpt() ) ;
else {
$postcontent=apply_filters( 'the_content', get_the_content() ) ;
Hope this helps people out!
Would much appreciate it if a solution like this is included in the next version of the plugin.
– Frank