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  • Plugin Author AntoineH


    No there isn’t, but it is relatively easy to code. So I’ll add it to the next version.

    Thread Starter Joepiooo


    Ok very nice!:)

    When can we expect the next version? Or is it hard to say how long it is gonna take?

    Plugin Author AntoineH


    A few weeks. I am not planning any big changes in this release. Just some filters and actions that make the plugin more extensible.

    Thread Starter Joepiooo



    Did you manage to create the current user position allready? I tried it myselve but no luck so far… Would be a great add-on:)


    Best regards

    Plugin Author AntoineH


    Yes, the shortcode is finished. But the release is not yet finished. If you can’t wait, you can download the latest development version here.

    Thread Starter Joepiooo


    Very nice!

    If I copy the shortcode form your class-football-pool-shortcodes.php en past it into mine… Is that enough or is there more coding in different files?

    I cant update your plugin because I changed to much and not in a child theme… ??

    My mistake… So I have to edit it myself


    Plugin Author AntoineH


    No, just copying the shortcode is not enough.

    Changes in classes\class-football-pool-shortcodes.php:
    1. Add the line
    add_shortcode( 'fp-user-ranking', array( 'Football_Pool_Shortcodes', 'shortcode_user_ranking' ) );

    2. Add the shortcode function inside the class:

    public function shortcode_user_ranking( $atts ) {
    		extract( shortcode_atts( array(
    					'user' => '',
    					'date' => 'now',
    					'text' => '',
    				), $atts ) );
    		$output = $text;
    		if ( $user == '' || ! is_numeric( $user ) ) {
    			$user = get_current_user_id();
    		if ( ( int ) $user > 0 ) {
    			$pool = new Football_Pool_Pool;
    			$rank = $pool->get_user_rank( $user, $ranking, self::date_helper( $date ) );
    			if ( $rank != null ) $output = $rank;
    		return apply_filters( 'footballpool_shortcode_html_fp-user-ranking', $output );

    3. Add function get_user_rank() to the file classes\class-football-pool-pool.php:

    public function get_user_rank( $user, $ranking_id = FOOTBALLPOOL_RANKING_DEFAULT, $score_date = '' ) {
    		global $wpdb;
    		$sql = $wpdb->prepare(
    						sprintf( "SELECT ranking FROM {$prefix}scorehistory
    								WHERE user_id = %%d AND ranking_id = %%d
    								AND ( %s score_date <= %%s )
    								ORDER BY score_date DESC LIMIT 1"
    								, ( $score_date == '' ? '1 = 1 OR' : '' )
    						) , $user, $ranking_id, $score_date );
    		return $wpdb->get_var( $sql ); // return null if nothing found

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