Hi, this tag is related to admin-form, so it’s fine, but since you also use the pro version, can you contact me on github to avoid misunderstanding with community rules?
For the tag in question [adfo_single dbp_id=5144 id=5144]
the id must be the id of the record (1,2,3 etc.) dbp_id is instead 5144 and is correct.
So if id 1 exists the right tag is.
[adfo_single dbp_id=5144 id=1].
(Always remember not to leave spaces before and after the equals, because otherwise it won’t work.)
This method allows you to display the detail of a record, but you can also do it automatically:
from the list view formatting tab choose as column type detail link. this will popup a link to display the detail of the row.
If you want to display the data in a wordpress page instead you need to link the table with the post data so you can rely on wordpress management of articles.