I did an attempt to create a new shortcode. I based it on the same principles as the [fp-scores] to keep consistency. If it is okay, I can consider adding it to the next version of the plugin. To be honest: I tested it for a lot of scenarios (closed/open questions, variable scoring, correct/wrong/no answer) and I think I covered all, but also didn’t put too much effort in it ??
shortcode [fp-question-scores] plugin
The possible parameters:
// Displays the scores for every user for one or more questions.
// Users & question arguments can be entered in the following formats (example for users):
// users 1 -> users="1"
// users 1 to 5 -> users="1-5"
// users 1, 3 and 6 -> users="1,3,6"
// users 1 to 5 and 10 -> users="1-5,10"
// league : the league to get the users from, defaults to the overall league
// users : collection of user ids, if set then league setting is ignored
// question : collection of question ids
// use_querystring : if set to 'yes' all parameters will be retrieved from the querystring values
// show_total : if set to 'yes' the total score for a row will be shown
// hide_zeroes : if set to 'yes' a score of 0 points will not be shown
In the table head I show both the question ID and a number. And also the full question both as title for the numbers and as text in a separate heading row. My idea was that you can show/hide what you want via CSS. So the below CSS would be the default CSS to show Q1, Q2 etc.
.fp-question-scores .question .question-id {
display: none;
.fp-question-scores .question .question-nr:before {
content: "Q ";
.fp-question-scores tr.question-text {
display: none;
Hope this helps.