shortcode / documentation wiki / api keys /
Hi there!
A big thank you for this great plug in, I really do love it, and it fits exactly what I need. Setting up a blog with German and English postings, I really would love to offer the possibility to users to translate the postings written in the other language. It is not this easy to set this up with other plug ins.I have some questions though.
1. As mentioned I write in English and German. German is the main language of the blog. I would love to show a small text right before every posting, telling the reader, in which language the original posting is written in. Regarding this issue:
there are shortcodes. But the one provided there
[tpe mylang]
just displays the currently selected language. Is there any ahortcode to show the original language entered in the “Set Post language” tab when writing a new posting?
I would like to show the sentence “This post is originally written in English” or “Das Original dieses Beitrags ist in deutsch geschrieben”.
[tpe mylang] not only doesn’t show the original language, it also shows the short form (“en” or “de”). So I hope to find something to display original language the full name.2.
By the way, the [tpe mylang] shortcode seems not to work for me. It is not this important to me, but worth telling. As mentioned, the main language of my blog is set to German in the “languages” setting of the transposh plug in. When displaying [tpe mylang] inside a German posting without translation, it shows “de”, which is correct. But when I switch the language to English in the front end, it displays some short, random German words like “in”, “von”, “bei” or “mit”.
I tried to reproduce that error by switching the main language to English and writing an English posting. Now it is the other way around, displaying “en” correct when English is chosen in the front end, but some random stuff is shown when switching to German. Astonishingly this random stuff also are short, German words.
I did not play around in the php of the plug in or something.
I am not sure if you know that your website is down. I was going to search in the wiki for the shortcodes, but all I got is a white page telling me “Laravel requires the Mcrypt PHP extension”. This seems to concern everything on “”
I am wondering a bit why transposh does work. I did not enter any API key for google, msn or anything else. But my postings are translated nevertheless. I mean, I don’t want to moan about a working plug in, but I am not sure if this is right. Maybe the plug in original from your webpage does include your private API-key by error or something?
5. Like some others I have trouble to display the “edit translation” box within the front end. It shows some crazy stuff, and I learned that there is a workaround posted multiple times here in the faq.
I also leaned that you are working on an updated version. The edit-function is not this important to me, but would be nice to have. So I ask myself if it is worth trying to implement the workaround and re-writing the css stuff and the jQueryUI version (if there are months till the update release) or simply wait for the updated version (if there are weeks till then)Best regards and thank you for this great plug in!
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