why don’t use code
// creates the plugin
tinymce.create('tinymce.plugins.ig_pb', {
init : function(editor, controlManager) {
editor.addButton('ig_pb_button', {
title : Ig_Translate.inno_shortcode, // title of the button
image : Ig_Translate.inno_icon, // path to the button's image
onclick: function() {
// triggers the thickbox
tb_show( Ig_Translate.inno_shortcode, '#TB_inline?width=' + 100 + '&height=' + 100 + '&inlineId=ig_pb-form' );
// custom style
$('#TB_window').css({'overflow-y' : 'auto', 'overflow-x' : 'hidden', 'height' : parseInt(jQuery(window).height()*0.9 - 3) + 'px'});
$('#TB_ajaxContent').css({'width' : '95%', 'height' : '90%'});
// registers the plugin. DON'T MISS THIS STEP!!!
tinymce.PluginManager.add('ig_pb', tinymce.plugins.ig_pb);
function filter_mce_plugin( $plugins ) {
if ( floatval(get_bloginfo('version')) >= 3.9){
$plugins['ig_pb'] = IG_Pb_Helper_Functions::path( 'assets/innogears' ) . '/js/tinymce_latest.js';
} else {
$plugins['ig_pb'] = IG_Pb_Helper_Functions::path( 'assets/innogears' ) . '/js/tinymce.js';
return $plugins;
I think really nice if use button from tinymce.