• Hello,

    I’ve got a problem with the shortcode and i can’t figure what happen.
    I made the shortcode, put it in the page and it worked fine but after some time the shortcode is totally broken even if i don’t go in the settings of the plugin and i need to reconfigure all the options again.

    My shortcode is :

    [wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=”/uploads/manuscrits” fitmode=”responsive” uploadpatterns=”*.pdf, *.doc, *.docx” maxsize=”10″ duplicatespolicy=”maintain both” uniquepattern=”datetimestamp” placements=”userdata+userdata/selectbutton/uploadbutton/filename/progressbar/message” uploadtitle=”Envoyer des fichiers” selectbutton=”Sélectionner un fichier” uploadbutton=”Envoyer” successmessage=”Le fichier %filename% a bien été envoyé” warningmessage=”Le fichier %filename% a bien été envoyé, mais avec des avertissements” errormessage=”Le fichier %filename% n’a bien été envoyé” waitmessage=”le fichier %filename% est en cours d’envoi” requiredlabel=”*” notify=”true” notifyrecipients=”[email protected]” notifysubject=”Manuscrit envoyé depuis le site” notifymessage=”Bonjour,%n%%n%Un nouveau manuscrit a été envoyé depuis le site par :%n%%n%%userdata1% %userdata2%%n%%userdata3%%n%%n%Message :%n%%n%%userdata4%%n%%n%Retrouvez le fichier en pièce jointe de ce mail.%n%%n%Bonne journée,” attachfile=”true” successmessagecolor=””#ffffff”” successmessagecolors=””#ffffff,,#ffffff””” warningmessagecolors=””#dd9933,,#ffffff””” failmessagecolors=””#dd3333,,#ffffff””” waitmessagecolors=””#ffffff,,#ffffff””” widths=”filename:400px, userdata:200px” userdata=”true” userdatalabel=”Prénom|t:text|s:top|r:1|a:0|p:right|d:/Nom|t:text|s:top|r:1|a:0|p:right|d:/Email|t:email|s:top|r:1|a:0|v:1|p:right|d:|g:0″ userdatalabel2=”Parlez-nous de vous|t:multitext|s:top|r:1|p:right”]

    But after a while it broke itself and changed to :

    [wordpress_file_upload uploadpath=””/uploads/manuscrits”” fitmode=””responsive”” uploadpatterns=””*.pdf,” maxsize=””10″” duplicatespolicy=””maintain” uniquepattern=””datetimestamp”” placements=””userdata+userdata/selectbutton/uploadbutton/filename/progressbar/message”” uploadtitle=””Envoyer” selectbutton=””Sélectionner” uploadbutton=””Envoyer”” successmessage=””Le” warningmessage=””Le” errormessage=””Le” waitmessage=””le” requiredlabel=””*”” notify=””true”” notifyrecipients=””[email protected]”” notifysubject=””Manuscrit” notifymessage=””Bonjour,%n%%n%Un” attachfile=””true”” successmessagecolor=”””#ffffff””” successmessagecolors=”””#ffffff,,#ffffff”””” warningmessagecolors=”””#dd9933,,#ffffff”””” failmessagecolors=”””#dd3333,,#ffffff”””” waitmessagecolors=”””#ffffff,,#ffffff”””” widths=””filename:400px,” userdata=””true”” userdatalabel=””Prénom|t:text|s:top|r:1|a:0|p:right|d:/Nom|t:text|s:top|r:1|a:0|p:right|d:/Email|t:email|s:top|r:1|a:0|v:1|p:right|d:|g:0″”]

    With lots of “” added everywhere in the shortcode and the options fields of the plugin.
    Is there something wrong like a character i should not be using in the fields ?

    Thank you


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  • Plugin Author nickboss


    Hi Marco, are you using any Page Builder for editing pages?


    Thread Starter Marc_O



    Yes i’m using the Divi builder include in the Divi Theme.
    Are your plugin not working with page builder ?

    I’ve disable the builder for the page and it seems ti work now but i would prefer to use it inside the builder.

    Thank you


    Plugin Author nickboss


    Hi, you are right, they should be compatible, however every page builder uses its own way to edit pages which overrides the standard WordPress procedure. So, this creates problems with plugins that need to edit their shortcodes.


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