• sremy


    This plugin is great, but I have small issue where the shortcode breaks when editing the page in visual view. In visual view, you get a grey galexy box rather than the shortcode text, which is fine except on the live page you get


    When you switch back to text view instead of a shortcode you get:

    <div data-mce-placeholder="1" data-aesop-sc="%5Baesop_gallery%20id%3D%221384%22%5D" class="mceItem aesop-component-short aesop-component">
    <div class="aesop-component-mask mceNonEditable unselectable"></div>
    <div class="aesop-component-bar">
    <div class="aesop-component-controls">
    <div title="Delete Component" class="aesop-button aesop-button-delete"></div>
    <div title="Clone Component" class="aesop-button aesop-button-clone"></div>
    <div title="Edit Component" class="aesop-button aesop-button-edit aesop-scope-gallery"></div>
    <div title="Cut Component / CTRL + ALT + ENTER to Paste" class="aesop-button aesop-button-clipboard"></div>
    <span class="mceNonEditable aesop-component-title unselectable aesop-gallery-title">gallery</span></div>
    <div class="aesop-end">WcMgcq</div>

    If you leave the page in text view it works, however this isn’t a feasible options since the site owners will need to edit pages in the visual editor


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