Because it wouldn’t work if you used shortcodes to wrap your consent requiring content in combination with caching, we don’t use shortcodes for that. In Complianz, this content is blocked on the server side, then activated in the browser when consent is given.
OpenStreetMaps: I will add it as built in integration in Complianz, like our current Google Maps integration, complete with placeholder (example at the bottom is the default maps integration):
In the meantime you can do this yourself by adding the URL that is used for the service to the script center on the Integrations page, in complianz/integrations/script center. For example, with OpenStreetMap, you can add the URL “” to the “URL’s from iframes that should be blocked before consent.
When you do this, the map will be blocked before consent, then activated. Other services like Google Maps, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, are all already working out of the box.
You can also add Photonic to the script center. Add an iframe URL to the iframes field, or a (part of the) script url to the scripts section to block it before consent has been given.
As Photonic has a lot of different services/implementations, a built in integration will take a few days, but we’ll add this plugin as well. If you have a specific page you’d want to block, I can take a look at it if you post it here. I can then tell you what URL to paste in the script center.
Let me know if you have any questions!