Hello Viriato
Thank you – yes there is a Premium Shortcode plugin for a3 Portfolio – here is a link to the plugins page a3 Portfolio Shortcode
You will see examples of the portfolio embedded by shortcodes on that page –
It is a great plugin – allows you to insert portfolios on any post or page. The options are
1. Single item card embed into content with text wrap
2. Selection of Item cards show in a row or rows
3. Sticky Item cards
4. Recent item cards
5. Portfolio Categories
6. Portfolio tags
With Categories and tags Shortcode you can add 1 or multiple Categories
and they all have these options.
1. Show Nav bar ON | OFF option
2. Option to set the number of columns and how many item cards to show
In version 2.0.0 released yesterday we have moved the Shortcode plugin placemarker to the sidebar so it is more obvious along with the other Premium Extensions that we have built for the portfolio.