Hi there,
I’m experiencing some problem with the plugin.
If I put it into a widget area (like footer or sidebar), it is working perfectly fine, showing exactly what I want it to show.
If I do put the provided shortcode into a text bloc on a page, the plugin is showing up only when it is also inserted into a widget area. If I remove the plugin from the widget area and keep the shortcode into the text bloc, nothing is showing up on the desired page anymore.
Any advice would be appreciated, can’t figure out what’s wrong.
Plugin version : 3.0
WP version : 4.4.2
Used shortcode :
[swt-fb-likebox url=”https://www.facebook.com/xxxxxxxxxxx” width=”340″ height=”400″ tabs=”timeline” hide_cover=”true” show_faces=”false” hide_call_action=”false” small_header=”true” adapt_container_width=”true”]
(I did replace the FB page address by xxxxxxxxx on purpose)