Hello Ionica,
Thanks for your sweet review!
Yeah you saw right ! we have some pretty cool new wysija shortcodes in version 2.3.1.
Version 2.3 had actually a wee problem on the commit, that’s why you might not have seen it.
But basically you can see more about that feature in the newsletter editor, it’s the profile icon that shows. It’s pretty cool, I played with it and it’s a great improvement of the old and dull wysija shortcodes we had for first name and last name.
Actually can’t tell you much about it because it’s one of our new guys who developed it under Kim’s supervision, he did a pretty cool job, that’s all I can say really ??
You can even make your own shortcodes : https://support.wysija.com/knowledgebase/hook-to-add-your-own-shortcode/
Anyway check it out(in version 2.3.1) and let us know!