• Hi! I would like to ask you how can i enable “Continiue Reading” option on my WordPress blog. Can you help me? When I publish an article-it appears in full and takes a lot of space. How can i show short text on main page and make “Continiue Reading” or “Read more” option? Thanks!

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  • When you are writing the post just insert the “more tag
    wherever you want to break the text.

    Cool. It would be neat if the More tag could be set to operate such that for the first posting on the page the whole article showed but for other articles the More was used to continue on the postings own page. Then I could have the first page always have the full first story plus the leads of the subsequent N stories.

    Perhaps this could be done by having a different tag or better yet by having a preference for More. e.g., More=0 –> operate as now. More = N -> show first N posts in full and excerpt those beyond N. So for my example above I would set More to 1 somewhere (in the template, Dashboard?)

    I am new to WP. Where do I make suggestions?

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