Hi AngEngland,
The plugin doesn’t work that way at present. The [booklinks] shortcode only pulls in book links on the individual book pages, however, it’s a good idea.
If you use the code below and overwrite the contents of ot_book_shortcodes.php you can use the shortcode by passing a book ID like:
[booklinks id=”470″] (where 470 is the ID of the desired book).
Or you can hang tight and I’ll update it in the next version of the plugin.
// [booklinks text="hide" id="bookID"]
function products_booklinks($atts) {
"text" => 'show',
"id" => ''
), $atts));
global $post;
if ($id) {
$theID = $id;
} else {
$theID = $post->ID;
$amazon = get_post_meta($theID, 'amazon_url', true);
$bn = get_post_meta($theID, 'bn_url', true);
$ceoread = get_post_meta($theID, 'ceoread_url', true);
$indie = get_post_meta($theID, 'indie_url', true);
$ibooks = get_post_meta($theID, 'ibooks_url', true);
$itunes = get_post_meta($theID, 'itunes_url', true);
$audible = get_post_meta($theID, 'audible_url', true);
$bam = get_post_meta($theID, 'bam_url', true);
$return = '';
if ($text != 'hide') {
$return .='<div class="order-book"><p class="booklinks"><span class="buy-book-text">Buy the book:<br /></span>';
$return .= ot_booklinks( $amazon, $bn, $ceoread, $ibooks, $indie, $itunes, $audible, $bam);
$return .='</p></div>';
} else {
$return .= ot_booklinks( $amazon, $bn, $ceoread, $ibooks, $indie, $itunes, $audible, $bam);
return $return;
add_shortcode("booklinks", "products_booklinks");