@regi.siti You have to change all the kp_ prefixes to the prefix you have in your Shortcode => Setting. The default value is su_ but you have to check.
<?php echo do_shortcode('
[kp_column size="1/4"] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis quam nibh, euismod eget nulla a, tempor scelerisque lorem. [/kp_column]
[kp_column size="1/4"] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis quam nibh, euismod eget nulla a, tempor scelerisque lorem. [/kp_column]
[kp_column size="1/4"] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis quam nibh, euismod eget nulla a, tempor scelerisque lorem. [/kp_column]
[kp_column size="1/4"] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis quam nibh, euismod eget nulla a, tempor scelerisque lorem. [/kp_column]
'); ?>
Looking at the last line of the code you gave above, there is a dot that is not suppose to be there. Anyways that’s not the case.
Use this code exactly as it is but you will have to replace all the kp_ prefixes with your own prefix. To check your prefix, go to Shortcode => Setting you will find Shortcodes prefix
Hope this helped You.
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