Hello @rynald0s,
yes my bad I should have mentionned I enabled jQuery helper to try to counter the issue. All other duplicate websites work fine without this plugin so I installed it only hoping it would help (it didn’t).
Here is the status report :
Thanks !
### WordPress Environment ###
WordPress address (URL): https://grapedigga.com
Site address (URL): https://grapedigga.com
WC Version: 4.8.0
REST API Version: ? 4.8.0
WC Blocks Version: ? 3.8.1
Action Scheduler Version: ? 3.1.6
WC Admin Version: ? 1.7.3
Log Directory Writable: ?
WP Version: 5.6
WP Multisite: –
WP Memory Limit: 1 Go
WP Debug Mode: –
WP Cron: ?
Language: fr_FR
External object cache: –
### Server Environment ###
Server Info: LiteSpeed
PHP Version: 7.4.13
PHP Post Max Size: 1 Go
PHP Time Limit: 600
PHP Max Input Vars: 200000
cURL Version: 7.71.0
SUHOSIN Installed: –
MySQL Version: 5.5.5-10.2.36-MariaDB
Max Upload Size: 1 Go
Default Timezone is UTC: ?
fsockopen/cURL: ?
SoapClient: ?
DOMDocument: ?
GZip: ?
Multibyte String: ?
Remote Post: ?
Remote Get: ?
### Database ###
WC Database Version: 4.8.0
WC Database Prefix: fsxxx_
Taille totale de la base de données: 14.44MB
Taille de la base de données: 12.05MB
Taille de l’index: 2.39MB
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fsxxx_xoo_wl_list_meta: Données?: 0.02MB + Index?: 0.03MB + Moteur InnoDB
### Post Type Counts ###
acf-field: 1
acf-field-group: 1
attachment: 36
custom_css: 1
customize_changeset: 6
nav_menu_item: 6
page: 6
post: 3
postman_sent_mail: 35
product: 28
product_variation: 143
revision: 3
secupress_log_action: 246
shop_coupon: 2
shop_order: 16
### Security ###
Secure connection (HTTPS): ?
Hide errors from visitors: ?
### Active Plugins (23) ###
ManageWP – Worker: par GoDaddy – 4.9.7
Adminimize: par Frank Bültge – 1.11.7
Advanced Custom Fields: par Elliot Condon – 5.9.3
Duplicate Page: par mndpsingh287 – 4.3
Enable jQuery Migrate Helper: par L’équipe WordPress – 1.3.0
Holded for WooCommerce: par – 1.0 – La version installée n’a pas été testée avec la version en cours de WooCommerce 4.0
En-têtes HTTP pour améliorer la sécurité de votre site web: par Carl Conrad – 2.5.6
LiteSpeed Cache: par Technologies LiteSpeed – 3.6
myStickymenu: par Premio – 2.4.8
Ocean Extra: par OceanWP – 1.6.7
Safe SVG: par Daryll Doyle – 1.9.9
SecuPress Free — Sécurité WordPress: par SecuPress – 1.4.12
SendCloud | Smart Shipping Service: par SendCloud B.V. – 1.1.2
Rank Math SEO: par Rank Math –
UpdraftPlus – Sauvegarde/Restauration: par UpdraftPlus.Com
DavidAnderson – 1.16.42
Waitlist Woocommerce Premium ( Back in stock notifier ): par – 2.0 – La version installée n’a pas été testée avec la version en cours de WooCommerce 4.0
WooCommerce Weight Based Shipping: par weightbasedshipping.com – 5.3.7
White Label CMS: par https://www.videousermanuals.com – 2.2.1
WooCommerce Stripe Gateway: par WooCommerce – 4.6.0
WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips: par Ewout Fernhout – 2.7.3
WOOF – WooCommerce Products Filter: par realmag777 –
WooCommerce: par Automattic – 4.8.0
WP Mail SMTP: par WPForms – 2.5.1
### Inactive Plugins (0) ###
### Must Use Plugins (3) ###
ManageWP – Worker Loader: par GoDaddy –
SecuPress COOKIEHASH: par – 1.0
SecuPress Salt Keys: par – 1.0.1
### Settings ###
API Enabled: ?
Force SSL: –
Currency: EUR (€)
Currency Position: right
Thousand Separator: .
Decimal Separator: ,
Number of Decimals: 2
Taxonomies: Product Types: external (external)
grouped (grouped)
simple (simple)
variable (variable)
Taxonomies: Product Visibility: exclude-from-catalog (exclude-from-catalog)
exclude-from-search (exclude-from-search)
featured (featured)
outofstock (outofstock)
rated-1 (rated-1)
rated-2 (rated-2)
rated-3 (rated-3)
rated-4 (rated-4)
rated-5 (rated-5)
Connected to WooCommerce.com: –
### WC Pages ###
Base de la boutique: #7 – /
Panier: #8 – /panier/
Commander: #9 – /commande/
Mon compte: #10 – /mon-compte/
Conditions générales de vente et d’utilisation: #2430 – /conditions-generales-de-vente/
### Theme ###
Name: OceanWP Child
Version: 1.0
Author URL: https://oceanwp.org/
Child Theme: ?
Parent Theme Name: OceanWP
Parent Theme Version: 2.0.0
Parent Theme Author URL: https://oceanwp.org/about-me/
WooCommerce Support: ?
### Templates ###
Overrides: oceanwp/woocommerce/cart/mini-cart.php
### Action Scheduler ###
Complete: 76
Oldest: 2020-11-15 11:03:46 +0100
Newest: 2020-12-15 13:26:20 +0100
Pending: 1
Oldest: 2020-12-20 08:23:04 +0100
Newest: 2020-12-20 08:23:04 +0100