Facebook uses Open Graph (og) tags, and many WordPress plugins like WordPress SEO by Yoast automatically adds them to your site to prevent missing thumbnail issue.
There are many reasons that can prevent Facebook from correctly guessing the right thumbnail image. One of the most common reason is having multiple images set in the og:image tag where your featured image is smaller than rest of the images.
Among other causes are caching plugins, CDN issues, missing open graph meta tag for the thumbnail image. etc. It is really hard to guess what’s causing the issue because there are no specific error messages displayed when using the debugging tool.
You can try following suggestions to fix the incorrect facebook thumbnail issue:
Manually Uploading your Thumbnail Image
If you are sharing an article on your Facebook page, and it does not pick up the correct thumbnail, then you can click on the upload link to upload the image you want to use.
Explicitly Tell Facebook To Use Thumbnail of Your Choice
If you are using WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin, then you can easily set a specific thumbnail image for Facebook.
When writing a post, scroll down to WordPress SEO meta box below the post editor and then click on the social tab. There you will see a button to upload a thumbnail image for Facebook.
Simply add your Facebook Thumbnail image there, and this will fix the issue in most cases. However if it continues to show the incorrect thumbnail, then you may have to reset the Facebook cache.
Use WordPress plugin Facebook Like Thumbnail
You can use Facebook Like plugin that specifies which thumbnail to use for links liked/shared on Facebook.