• Despite the page load issues and other problems, the injecting of an unnecessary sharethis script is obviously set so this company can sell your visitor’s data. They do the same thing with the “plus” version of this plugin. Absolutely ridiculous.

    This used to be a decent plugin, but since it’s been sold to sharethis it’s become a piece of garbage.

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  • I agree. Against WP policy and no way to turn it off.

    Adds the tag
    <script id='st_insights_js' type='text/javascript' src='https://ws.sharethis.com/button/st_insights.js?publisher=4d48b7c5-0ae3-43d4-bfbe-3ff8c17a8ae6&product=simpleshare'></script>

    which in turns generates a xhr request to l.sharethis.com with all details of the page it sits on. Apart from being nasty and unwanted, it does also slow down requests significantly (~430 ms):

    This happens in php/class-styles.php at

    if ( 'Y' === $arr_settings['accepted_sharethis_terms'] ) {
    	wp_enqueue_script( 'ssba-sharethis', $url, null, null );
    	add_filter( 'script_loader_tag', array( $this, 'ssba_script_tags' ), 10, 2 );

    but I’ve found no way to turn off $arr_settings['accepted_sharethis_terms']. I may have opted in, but I don’t remember doing so and I also have no way to opt out now. I’d also like to point out that the plugin just does not work as expected if those lines are commented out. My settings are overridden when those lines are commented out, and the plugin just uses factory ones. So yeah, unless I am fine with a company harvesting my data, this plugin cannot be used.

    This should be banned.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Stefano. Reason: More details
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