• Resolved Fred Chapman


    Hi Mike,

    I use shared SSL certificates with your plugin on most of my client sites, and it generally works quite well; however, I just noticed a problem on the Edit Media page in WordPress 3.5.1. The main image is broken because WordPress tries to serve the image securely over HTTPS, but it uses the font end’s site domain (which has no SSL) instead of the back end’s web host domain (which has shared SSL).

    My settings in the wp_options table of the WordPress database generally look something like this:

    wp_options > siteurl: https://SERVER.WEBHOST.com/~ACCOUNT
    wp_options > home: https://www.MYDOMAIN.com

    Images can be served securely using the siteurl prefix with HTTPS or insecurely using the home prefix with HTTP. Unfortunately, WordPress tries to serve the Edit Media page image securely using the home prefix with HTTPS, like this, which breaks the image:


    Is there anything you can do to fix this, perhaps with a filter? I don’t mind if images are not secure on an admin page. I just don’t want them to break!

    Thanks for a great plugin,

    Fred Chapman


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  • Thread Starter Fred Chapman


    P.S. When using a shared SSL certificate in a shared hosting environment, I use your plugin only to secure WordPress logins and back-end administration over HTTPS; I don’t secure any pages on the front end. (When I need to secure the front end for an e-commerce site, I buy a dedicated SSL certificate.)

    Thread Starter Fred Chapman



    I found a way to solve my problem by going into

    Settings > Media > Full URL path to files

    and changing the URL so that it uses the SSL host.

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