• ****short resume of this tred have to be;***
    – how to login to MediaWiki with the usernames and passwords from a WordPress blog
    *** lets begin: ***

    A while back spencerp wrote this great guide, on how to make user integration between wordpress, bbpress, and media wiki:


    It a great thing, and i guess many people wants to do soo.

    There is one HUGE problem though (understatement);

    1.First of this plugin wich spencerp uses in his guide, is no longer avaible for download?
    (if it where, i don’t know if it works with newest versions of wordpress and mediawiki.)

    2. this IS still avaible:

    And it seems to be great EXCEPT, it’s USELESS today, because it dosn’t work with the new version of mediawiki and wordpress, as they write on the site:

    “This extension is tested with Mediawiki 1.6.9 (the latest release for PHP4) and wordpress 2.1. It will not work (yet) for Mediawiki > 1.6.9 (because of PHP5) but the next version will be PHP5 ready.”

    Well “my” logic was, that php5 is backward compatible, there for it sounded like nonsense; so i just desided to try it out, and guess what, the instructions wast right, – the plugin just don’t work with the newest mediawiki; i got the following error, when trying to login with a user from wordpress: “Wiki has a problem

    Sorry! This site is experiencing technical difficulties.

    Try waiting a few minutes and reloading.

    (Can’t contact the database server: Unknown error)”

    ******now my question******

    Is there any plugin or way out there, to make the step nr. 4 in the guide possible? (make it possible to login to MediaWiki with the usernames and passwords from a WordPress blog, thats shares the same database.)

    I hope somone smarter than me, has some views and solutions on this topic, as all treads about this subject seems outdated, and the topic seems more important than ever.

    In advance thnx.

    /Helio AKA. Dennis O. Madsen

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  • @pnaw10 it should work since the password hashing class was introduced into WordPress 2.5. It should work with any version of WordPress 2.5+

    Thanks @jondavis. It worked great. Now I would just like to get the session to be shared so logging into one also logs into the other.

    @jondavis – I finally got around to using your solution this weekend, and yes it worked with WP2.5. I had only two little roadbumps, which were easily overcome.

    First, the WordPress installation I’m “joining” with MediaWiki isn’t using the default “wp_” as the prefix for its SQL database tables. I had to change accordingly, line 64 of your AuthWordpress.php and the 4rd line (including the comment) you have us pasting into MediaWiki’s LocalSettings.php file. I’m not sure if I had to change it in both places, but it made sense to do so.

    The other little problem I had came in the very next four lines of the snippet pasted into LocalSettings.php:

    $wgAuth->setAuthWordpressDBServer (DBSERVER); // wordpress host (eg. localhost)
    $wgAuth->setAuthWordpressDBName(DBNAME); // wordpress database
    $wgAuth->setAuthWordpressUser(DBUSER); // wordpress db username
    $wgAuth->setAuthWordpressPassword(DBPASSWORD); // wordpress db password

    When you fill in those variables — DBSERVER, DBNAME, DBUSER and DBPASSWORD — they need to have single quotes around them. I guess this is a no-brainer for any veteran programmer… but I’m still learning PHP and I take directions very literally. It took me a few unsuccessful login attempts before I realized this, and added in the quotes. Just like magic, everything worked perfectly.

    One other item worth noting: once you make these changes, all access to MediaWiki will be exclusively through WordPress usernames and passwords.

    To help avoid any potential naming problems, I installed MediaWiki with a new, unique username that I was not using on WordPress. Obviously, that account has MW sysop privileges by default. But once I got WordPress and MW linked, I could no longer login with that sysop account. Since there’s no password for it in WordPress, I had effectively “locked the keys in the car” so to speak — until I created a WP account with the same username. I then logged into MW with it, and gave “myself” (my WordPress admin account) sysop rights in MediaWiki.

    I suppose I could have saved myself this step by making my MediaWiki default username the same as my WordPress username.

    Again, I’ll stress none of these issues were major problems — all resolved in a matter of mere minutes. Just wanted to make a note of them in case anyone else runs into the same situation.

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