• Hi. OK this is my blog


    if you click on a post you can see at the bottom there are two share this options. The bottom one is the plug-in, the top one i stole from:

    Now, what I am wondering is how to change the code in the first one to work for my wordpress. Full code at the bottom. Below is one example:
    <a href="https://www.thewhatwherewhen.com/go/https://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.reference.com/browse/bursary" id="akst_facebook" title="Share This: Facebook"><img alt="Share This: Facebook" src="https://cache.lexico.com/d/sharethis/facebook.png" border="0"></a>

    Anyone have any ideas? I am awful at php…. thanks!!

    [Moderated: Too much code. Please consider placing the code in a text file on your site with a link here -or- use a pastebin service such as https://wordpress.pastebin.ca. Thanks!]

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