Right I have managed today with a bit of time to resolve the issue and get the icon where I wanted it. I’ve laid it out here step by step and hope it helps you.
1) Disable the automatic addition of the share this icon.
To do this go to PLUGINS > PLUGIN EDITOR > Share-this.php, then simply change this:
@define('AKST_ADDTOCONTENT', true);
@define('AKST_ADDTOFOOTER', true);
to this:
@define('AKST_ADDTOCONTENT', false);
@define('AKST_ADDTOFOOTER', false);
2) Manual insert the call to add the Share This icon to all your posts.
Go to PRESENTATION > THEME EDITOR > Select the ‘Main Index Template’ (aka index.php from your theme’s folder)
Add this line to where you want the Share This to be:
<?php akst_share_link(); ?>
I have added the Share This icon next to the number of comments, below each post (see here)
This will add the Share This icon on the front page only, you will also need to add it to the ‘Single Post’ (aka single.php) for when people click through into each individual post, you can do this by the same method as above.
I have actually added it to the ‘Comments’ (aka comments.php) so that it appears next to the comments RSS and trackback URI links (see here)
I’m very new to PHP and this has taken a fair amount of time to get right and to ensure my site still validates but if anyone wants a hand, let me know.