share buttons on mobile
Hueman 3.1.6 – since updating I have lost the share buttons on my mobile site. Serious.
Hi sherioz
Would you put your URL here?
We need to see it, to be able to help.
Tahoe Rock(Sorry. I should have thought of that myself)
Hi Sherioz,
I was testing your site on iPad, iPhone 6plus and iPhone 5s and all social buttons are there.
Your blue Social button (Facebook, Twitter…and so on) and Red button Email is there all the time just in different places.Try to clear the Cache on your devices.
It looks like you could have some error on your device.
It looks OK here in all resolutions.
Tahoe RockI cleared the cache. However – I think you are referring to the Follow Me On Buttons and not the share-this-post buttons. The red email button is totally unconnected. There are no share buttons.
I can confirm that the share buttons are also gone from my site when using mobile devices since I upgraded to the latest version of Hueman (3.1.6). Were there some CSS changes maybe?
Actually what’s worse: The share bar is now floating horizontally up and down when resizing the browser window. Happens only for “@media only screen and (max-width: 719px)”.
At 719px the sharebar is converted from vertical orientation to horizontal and moved to display below the post content. It has been this way since before v3.0.
At 479px the sharebar is hidden. This was introduced in v3.1.4. If you want to keep it visible you could use this CSS:
.sharrre-container { display: block; }
At 479px the sidebars are also displayed below the post content; primary first and secondary below that.
If this happened with an earlier update of the theme, then I am very sorry I did not notice that. There is almost nothing more important than share buttons when we want to bring readers to our articles. I would prefer share buttons to follow-me-on buttons, if something has to be cut. And I don’t like the fact that once my site is up and running, I need to go back to my web designer to make changes due to updates to the theme. I should be able to maintain the site myself and have everything doable without having to know code.
Hi Sherioz,
I was just looking to your site.
Yes you are right, I was mistaken by Follow Me button. Im sorry for that.
I havent look to your posts.I can see your Share Now Buttons are in place for all resolutions now.
You do not need to contact your web designer every time.
You could do this:put this code to your Child Theme style.css file
Install Simple Custom CSS plugin and put the code there.
I’m doing this on my browser to find solution.
It can get to some different behavior on your site.
It can happen that it is not working.
Then we have to look further.There you can put any suggested code given by somedy to you like:
.sharrre-container { display: block; }
Properly for this solution you should put this Code:
@media only screen and (max-width: 479px) .gallery-caption, .mobile-sidebar-hide .sidebar, .mobile-sidebar-hide-s1 .s1, .mobile-sidebar-hide-s2 .s2, .sharrre-container { display: block !important; }
I would be unhappy also with that drastic changes from Theme Developer.
It is worth of researching changes before doing any Theme updates.Cheers
Tahoe RockHi bdbrown,
the problem is not that it gets converted from vertical to horizontal position (which is fine and as you mentioned that’s how it was before), the problem is that it keeps moving when you scroll the window now.
That shouldn’t happen and the share bar should stay below the content all the time when in horizontal position.
Also there was nothing in the change logs about these changes (especially that the share bar is now hidden by default for < 480).
Update: I just checked and it also happens on the hueman demo site (so it’s nothing that’s only about my site):
Just resize the browser window to < 719 and the share bar will now move up and down when you scroll and cover parts of the content. Happens in Safari and Chrome.
Thanks Tahoe Rock – I ended up sending the link to this discussion to my web designer and she handled it for me. I am flattered that you think I should have understood your explanation above.
I now see the share buttons and that is a great relief. I hope this will also be reflected in my traffic from this point on.
@dave_s – In Customizer > Global Settings > Social Links > Social Sharring Bar Settings, disable “Make the Share Bar sticky” option. Seems like maybe the sticky option should be available on desktop views but disabled on tablets. I’ll enter a theme enhancement ticket.
@bdbrown: As you said that also makes the desktop share bar sticky. I think it’s a clear bug as it was working fine before (non-sticky for desktop, sticky for mobile).
@sherioz – If your issue has been fixed please mark the topic as Resolved. Thanks.
OK. It works now. Thanks.
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