Hello, it should be noted that the person above I believe is using buddyboss. Because I have the same problem. It’s so annoying. Please help us! Its a simple fix that would take someone 10 mins. Everyone is switching to buddyboss its just was smoother an cleaner… When I used a template that was coded by buddypress (the new buddyboss elementor plugin called “Buddy Buider” it gives you some default templates to start with. When I installed that plugin and tried out one of thier default templates the ugly square went away and the share button showed up. switched back to the default buddyboss templates and back to the ugly square.
We really really love your plugin, it’s a must have for anyone. I can’t belive its the only one that has been created and that other buddyboss users have not said anything, it makes me think there is another plugin I do not know about! Other than this one issue. NO COMPLAINTS… .Please make this work for buddyboss default templates for the buddyboss theme. Works fine with buddypress templates just not boss! Thought I would add that, as I saw that he did not