• Resolved tphil


    I have tried to do a few scheduled SFTP backups to remote storage without success. Each time I get an email that the backup was successful, but there are no files on my remote server.

    I have “Enable remote storage” checked with the proper host, username, and password specified. I’ve tried using a full path and a relative path, but neither ended up with backup files on the server.

    What do I need to do differently?


Viewing 13 replies - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
  • Plugin Author Greg Ross


    Which SFTP provider are you using?

    Thread Starter tphil


    We opened up the SFTP port on our own server.

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    Sorry, I meant what SFTP provider in the plugin; Wrappers, Library or phpseclib?

    Thread Starter tphil


    My plugin only has one SFTP option — SFTP phpseclib. Should there be more choices?

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    Depends on what your host has enabled.

    You can enable some debugging by editing wordpress/wp-content/plugins/cyan-backup/includes/protocol-sftpphpseclib.php.

    Uncomment lines lines 9 and 49.

    Then run a backup again. In the backup directory you defined will be a debug.txt file which will contain a lot of information, including at what point the transfer failed.

    Thread Starter tphil


    I uncommented the lines and ran a backup again, but debug.txt only has a timestamp.

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    Try running it again (I’ve found sometimes the debug code seems to lag behind a bit).

    Otherwise an empty log usually means the connection to the SFTP host failed. Make sure you can resolve remote hostname from your server.

    Thread Starter tphil


    I ran it again (a day later) with the same results — only a timestamp in debug.txt.

    I’m using an IP address for the hostname, so there shouldn’t be anything to resolve.

    Any other ideas?

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    It might not like an IP address, try using a hostname.

    Thread Starter tphil


    I tried a hostname (found via https://remote.12dt.com/lookup.php) and got the same result.

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    Then the most likely issue is communications is being blocked somewhere. Can you use another client on the server to test the connection?

    Thread Starter tphil


    My site is hosted with GoDaddy, and I can’t find an SFTP tool in my account management interface.

    It seems like this plugin probably isn’t going to work on my site. Thanks for your responses.

    Plugin Author Greg Ross


    No problem, you might want to make sure GoDaddy supports SFTP and not just FTPS.

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