• using the latest sfc build on my site. everything is working correctly except the comments left on Facebook are not coming back to the wp blog. I have auto publishing enabled and integrate fb comments turned on. all three token checks are green and ready to go and i’ve granted sfc extended permissions. the only plugins I’m using that i could imagine could affect this in any way or hyper-cache and domain mapping… i’m using a custom theme that started from the roots html5 starter theme. any troubleshooting tips?

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  • Im having the same issue. The folowing SFC Plugins are enabled:

    Publisher (send posts to Facebook) – This works!
    Allow FB Login to Comment (for non-registered users) – This works!
    Integrate FB Comments (needs automatic publishing enabled) -> dosnt work

    Publish Settings
    Automatically Publish to Facebook Fan Page is eneabled

    Token Checks
    User ID and Access Token found! Automatic profile publishing is ready to go!
    Application Access Token found! Automatic application wall publishing is ready to go!
    Fan Page Access Token found! Automatic fan page publishing is ready to go!

    So no comments from facebook are pulled back into wordpress.
    I dont think that any other Plug-in is interfering but just to be sure i have installed the folowing plug ins:

    Antispam Bee
    Google XML Sitemaps
    FD Feedburner Plugin
    Contact Form 7
    Auto Thickbox
    SyntaxHighlighter Evolved
    Subscribe to Comments Reloaded

    Btw the site is hackandshare.com (fanpage on fb: hackandshare).
    Pls excuse any mistakes im not a nativ english speaker.


    It stared working in the night. I waited about 3-4 Hours so the plug in could pull but it didnt. Does it have an option where i can decide how often it should pull comments?

    Also i have another strange effect on fb, when i go to my fanpage with another fb acc and try to comment something, sometimes the comment buttons are not displayd. I know thats a facebook issue but maybe someone knows whats going on. Is it possible that only people who liked the page are able to comment? I stil have the default settings on fb.

    why is it that sometimes they are displayed and sometimes not`?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    It checks on a 6 hour interval, and it’s not guaranteed to work. It’s a best effort, sort of thing, since Facebook can be slow to respond at times.

    thx for the reply otto. Is it possible to shorten the interval? Or does this violate any fb rules?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    It does need some tweaking. I’ll play with it and have some fixes in 1.1.

    sorry 4 my bad english.

    can you build in that i can update it via a cronjob? 6 h to much time, but your plug in is the best i can found. A fix can be awesome ??


    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    It doesn’t need a cron job, it updates it on demand.

    hey Otto, do you know the timeframe on when the comments from FB to blog will be working in the new version?

    Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.remarpro.com Admin

    Comments from FB to blog works right now. I’m using it on my own sites.

    Hey Otto,

    Just want to be clear on a few things.

    Using a heavily modified twenty-eleven theme and am working on getting comments sync’ing.

    a.) I don’t have to alter or change anything in Twenty Eleven to make commenting work.
    b.) YOu state comments “works” in your last comment – do you mean that it works properly with a 6hr. interval or it is now working in real-time?

    I ask because it appears Twenty-Eleven changes the comments.php code a bit and I’m unable to see comments from facebook coming through to the blog. All other configured capabilities are working great, permissions granted, etc.


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