several requests
Hi ??
I just went to meet your plugin and sounds very cool but …
you should consider add options like :
Hide/show thumbnail
Size of the thumbnail
Show/add stars reviews (I don’t want to show her ^^)
Sounds like doesn’t works fine for custom product type, I will try to add something like :if( $_product->is_type( ‘simple’ ) )
$product_class = ‘simple-product’;
$product_class = ‘variable-product’;
// more :
$product_class = ‘custom-product’;on class-wsac.php
Could you kindly add the “quantity selector” close to the add to cart button ?
Will be great to have the possibility to choose what products or categories products to active the bar … or for each product page a checkbox to activate the bar for this product.
and add option to activate/deactivate for mobil / tablet / desktop.
Nice job man, keep the good work and I hope you will consider somes new options in a very near future.Regards
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