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  • Hi,

    We’ve seen issues with other plugins that are not updated for the latest version of WordPress interfering with Wordfence saving. Try disabling all of your plugins except for Wordfence. Are you able to save? If so, enable one plugin at a time to figure out the plugin that is causing the issue.

    Let us know if you’re still having an issue after troubleshooting.


    Hi Brian,
    I’ve tried with your instructions but the problem persists.

    Hi sonnymik,
    Another thing you might try is turning on “Disable config caching” option at (Wordfence > Diagnositcs => Debugging Options) at the bottom of the page, then try to save your settings again.

    Check this link for more information about “Disable config caching” option.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Hi Wfalaa
    i’ve solved updating my wordpress version and re-intstalling the new version of plugin.

    Wordfence guys, any way you can force these support threads to display/state the user’s WordPress version as well as Wordfence version? I have a feeling this could save everyone a lot of time.

    Also, Elam, if you updated WordPress, shouldn’t the information to the right be showing the version of WordPress you began this thread with? Isn’t the latest 4.5.2?


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