Settings screen not loading
The settings screen doesn’t load. I get the error “Something went wrong when trying to load the Block Visibility settings. Try refreshing the page. If the error persists, please contact support.”
In the console I get the following errors:
“The block “generateblocks/image” must have a title.¨
[HTTP/3 500 Internal Server Error 11369ms]”I have the pro version. The visibility settings in the blocks work fine
Hi Ronald,
Thanks for reaching out. I have confirmed that the
The block “generateblocks/image” must have a title
notice is not related to the issue. I am seeing it on my end, but the Settings page is loading correctly.To further diagnose this issue, would you be able to provide the active plugins on your site as well as the current version of WordPress? That will help me attempt to replicate the issue on my end.
I look forward to hearing from you.
NickWordpress: 6.0.2
Authors List: 1.2.8
Better Notifications for WP: 1.9.1
Blocksy Companion (Premium): 1.8.49
Block Visibility: 2.4.3
Block Visibility Pro: 1.5.1
Burst Statistics – Privacy-Friendly Analytics for WordPress: 1.2.1
CAOS: 4.4.5
Code Snippets: 3.2.0
Complianz – Terms and Conditions: 1.1.2
Complianz Privacy Suite (GDPR/CCPA) premium: 6.3.5
Copy Anything to Clipboard: 2.6.1
Font Awesome: 4.3.1
Forminator: 1.18.2
FS Poster: 6.1.0
GenerateBlocks: 1.6.0
Image optimization service by Optimole: 3.4.6
Mail logging – WP Mail Catcher: 2.0.5
Meta Box: 5.6.7
Meta Box AIO: 1.16.5
Post Expiration Date: 1.3
SEOPress: 6.0.1
Stop Generating Unnecessary Thumbnails: 3.5
Super Progressive Web Apps: 2.2.6
Toolset Access: 2.8.14
Toolset Blocks: 1.6.3
Toolset Forms: 2.6.13
Toolset Maps: 2.0.12
Toolset Types: 3.4.16
Ultimate Member: 2.5.0
Ultimate Member – Followers: 2.2.6
Ultimate Member – Friends: 2.2.4
Ultimate Member – Groups: 2.3.0
Ultimate Member – MailChimp: 2.4.0
Ultimate Member – Math Captcha in Register form: 1.0.1
Ultimate Member – Online: 2.1.5
Ultimate Member – Private Messages: 2.3.3
Ultimate Member – Profile Completeness: 2.2.3
Ultimate Member – Profile tabs: 1.0.6
Ultimate Member – Real-time Notifications: 2.3.1
Ultimate Member – Social Activity: 2.2.7
Ultimate Member – Unsplash: 2.0.8
Widget Options:
WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache: 3.2.9
WP Mail SMTP: 3.6.1
WP RSS Aggregator: 4.22
WP RSS Aggregator – Feed to Post: 3.16
WP RSS Aggregator – Full Text RSS Feeds: 1.4.1
WP RSS Aggregator – Keyword Filtering: 1.7.1
YotuWP – YouTube Gallery: 1.3.7CURRENT THEME:
Blocksy: 1.8.50
Thank you for this additional information Ronald. Would you be able to try temporarily deactivating the Pro add-on and see if the Settings page is accessible? If it is, that will help identify that the root conflict is located in the Pro add-on rather than the base plugin.
I appreciate your help in testing and forward to hearing from you. ??
NickHi Nick,
After deactivating the pro add-on the settings screen will load, but only after a refresh. No errors except for the generateblocks/image. I am on hosting, which uses Cloudflare.
RonaldPerfect, thank you. I will follow up once I have more details about this issue and when a fix will be released. I appreciate all your help testing.
NickHi Nick,
The block visibility settings in the post editor screen are gone now. I had one block with visibility settings working well two days ago. These settings are saved in the posts table. But I cannot edit these settings anymore.
I have deactivated all plugins and activated them one by one, but the problem stays. I hope you can fix it, because I like the plugin and would like to go on with the changes on my website.
RonaldHi Ronald,
I have a couple of questions to ensure I am understanding this new issue correctly. Also, can you ensure the Pro add-on is disabled when going through the following questions? This will help us isolate any issues to either the base plugin or the add-on.
1. In the post/page Editor, do you see the Visibility panel when selecting a block? A good test is to add a Paragraph block and check that the Visibility panel is there.
2. If the Visibility panel is not visible on blocks, can you see if there are any console errors in the Editor?
3. If the Visibility panel is visible, can you try hiding a block using the main Hide Block control? Again, the easiest way to test is to add a Paragraph block with some dummy text and toggle “Hide block” in the Visibility panel. Check that this block is hidden on the Frontend.
If everything works, can you try activating the Pro add-on and then repeat the questions above?
Thanks, and I look forward to hearing from you.
NickHi Nick,
The Visibility panel doesn’t show after deactivating the pro version. This is the error I get: GET [HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error 0ms]It also takes an extra refresh to load the settings page of the plugin.
RonaldHi Ronald,
I am beginning to think that this might be related to Cloudflare. Of course, this is a guess, but a little Googling led to led to this thread and this GitHub issue about REST API requests getting blocked by Cloudflare. Do you have access to your Cloudflare account, or is that all handled by your hosting provider? If so, it would be interesting to see if anything is flagged in the Firewall activity log.
In the meantime, I will continue attempting the replicate the issue. I currently do not believe this issue is caused by a conflict with another plugin.
NickHi Nick,
The Cloudflare account is handled by my hosting provider. I will contact them, show them this thread and hopefully they have an answer.
RonaldHi Ronald,
Thank you for all your help in attempting to get to the bottom of this. As a token of my appreciation, I have just processed a refund for your Pro purchase. It’s the least I could do. Your license key of course will remain active.
I will also be pushing a minor update to both Block Visibility and Pro add-on later today. I do not expect this to fix the root issue but hopefully should fix the edge-case scenario where the Settings page won’t load when Pro is active.
NickHi Nick,
Thanks for the refund, much appreciated! I just hope you can solve this problem and I am always ready to help. And I really want this plugin to work, because I need visibility control based on post meta data for my project!
Thanks for your time and efforts and I will let you know if my hosting provider has found something.
RonaldHi Nick,
The problem with loading the settings page is solved with the update! Also the settings screen loads normally with the pro version and I can activate the license now.
The problem with loading the Visibility panel in the post/page edit screen still exists, giving the same error. My hosting provider is looking into that some more.
RonaldHi Nick,
Just noticed that, after activating the license, in the plugins list it still says Activate license. After I clicked on the link, the license page opens and it is empty, no license key showing. The license key is however stored in the database. But, after a refresh, the license key shows! This only happens on my production site, not on the staging site, which is on a totally different hosting provider and has no caching.
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
Ronald Heijnes.
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
Ronald Heijnes.
Hi Nick,
Not sure why, but the error is gone! I have updated both free and pro. Maybe my hosting provider has discovered something, but I haven’t heard back from them yet.
Still one problem to solve. Not only the license page needs a refresh to show the actual data, also every time I open the post/page editor, I have to refresh so the Visibility panel shows. It works now, but surely not completely as it should. I hope you can find out what is causing the need for a refresh.
Ronald -
This reply was modified 2 years, 5 months ago by
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