Hi @tommargol
Thank you for using our plugin.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
This issue is related to a conflict with another plugin on your site. Our plugin main page is based on javascript and because some of the plugins do not include their javascript codes in the right way sometimes their code causes an?issue for our plugin main page.
Especially this issue is related to the Skyverge plugins like “Google analytics” so if you are using the Skyverge plugin please deactivate it and try again. You can contact Skyverge to fix the issue because they are including js codes in the page that should not be loaded.
Please follow the below instructions to find the conflict.
– Deactivate the plugins one by one and then check our plugin main page again and if it appeared so that plugin causes this issue.
– Send us a screenshot of your browser console maybe there is a message of conflict that is there and we can help you more.
– Most of the?time you should contact the plugin developers that caused this issue because as I said those plugins do not include their javascript codes in the right way. We can help you more by checking your browser console screenshot if you send it to us.
Best Regards