Settings not showing and saving
Somehow the plugin stopped working. Previously in the list of pages I had the information to/from which blog(s) the pages where syndicated. Now that is not showing anymore. When I save a page in order to syndicate it to a blog, that setting does not get saved and the page does not show up in the list of pages in that blog.
Broadcast version 50.15
WordPress version 6.6.2
PHP version 8.1.30 (tried also 8.2. and 8.3)Debug info
High enough role to link: yes
Post supports custom fields: yes
Post supports thumbnails: yes
High enough role to broadcast custom fields: yes
High enough role to broadcast taxonomies: yes
Blogs available to user: 2
Plugins, die in save_post eingeh?ngt wurden:
4 WPML_CMS_Navigation::cms_navigation_update_post_settings
[Anonymous function]
10 Fusion_Dynamic_JS_File::reset_cached_filenames
10 Fusion_Dynamic_CSS::reset_post_transient
10 Fusion_Dynamic_CSS::post_update_option
10 PyreThemeFrameworkMetaboxes::save_meta_boxes
10 FusionBuilder::metabox_settings_save_details
10 WPSEO_Post_Type_Sitemap_Provider::save_post
100 WPML_Admin_Post_Actions::save_post_actions
100 WPML_Media_Attachments_Duplication::save_post_actions
639 threewp_broadcast\ThreeWP_Broadcast::nop
640 threewp_broadcast\ThreeWP_Broadcast::save_post
9223372036854775807 WPML_PB_Integration::queue_save_post_actions
9223372036854775807 Yoast\WP\SEO\Integrations\Watchers\Primary_Term_Watcher::save_primary_termsThe page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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