I was finding that none of the settings in the free version would save for me.
After the upgrade, they all worked, so perhaps it was just a glitch.
In the pro version, there are a number of disappointing bugs.
For me, the most important one is that even with setting the ticket to private, ALL tickets are viewable as archives by anyone if they do a search for them.
The second problem is that when set a ticket is set to private, the user/owner of the ticket cannot see it in their list of tickets in the support page, they can only see a list of their tickets if they are set to public…
When you do see a list of tickets (by searching), if one is marked solved, the title has the word solved in it repeatedly over about 7 times.
The issue for me is that the private tickets are available to everyone if you make the search box available. You can stop this by using the wordpress private post setting, but this is another manual step that should be taken care of by the plugin, not by having to go into the settings and switch it on for every ticket.
Generally, it seems quite nice, but as I say, the core function is not stable enough to be released as a premium version and considering I have still had not a single response to my support requests yet, I am more than a little disappointed.