Okay, had to remind myself how this worked now I can propose a possible solution for you…
If the plugin knows that the product exists at that locale it will not generate a search link. So if you edit your templates so that you force it to do a product lookup prior to generating any links then it should do what you want.
Option 1:
If you are just using simple templates and not using the multinational pop up (the flags on the links), then simply enabling ‘prefetch data’ option will force the plugin to always check for the product prior to expanding any keywords.
Option 2:
If you are using more complex templates and are using the multinational popup then you can add some hidden HTML at the start of the template to force the plugin to lookup the product at specific locales.
So for example this template will get the plugin to check 5 locales before populating the rest of the template:
<!--Force a check for the product: %PRICE%UK# %PRICE%FR# %PRICE%DE# %PRICE%ES# %PRICE%US# -->
<div class="amazon_prod">
<div class="amazon_img_container">
%LINK_OPEN%<img class="%IMAGE_CLASS%" src="%THUMB%">%LINK_CLOSE%
<div class="amazon_text_container">
<div class="amazon_details">
<p>by %ARTIST% [%MANUFACTURER%]<br />
<b>Price: <span class="amazon_price">
<span class="al_found%FOUND%uk#">%LINK_OPEN%uk# <img style="height:10px" src="%FLAG%uk#"> %PRICE%uk#%LINK_CLOSE%</span>
<span class="al_found%FOUND%fr#">%LINK_OPEN%FR# <img style="height:10px" src="%FLAG%fr#"> %PRICE%FR#%LINK_CLOSE%</span>
<span class="al_found%FOUND%de#">%LINK_OPEN%de# <img style="height:10px" src="%FLAG%de#"> %PRICE%DE#%LINK_CLOSE%</span>
<span class="al_found%FOUND%es#">%LINK_OPEN%es# <img style="height:10px" src="%FLAG%es#"> %PRICE%es#%LINK_CLOSE%</span>
<img src="https://%IMP%.amazon-adsystem.com/e/ir?t=%TAG%&l=as2&o=%MPLACE_ID%&a=%ASIN%" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />
Give it a try, not knowing your exact circumstances difficult to know what solution will work for you!