settings does not send email
hey i tried setting the smtp setting to the gmail settings that was given in your faq. any possible reason im still not able to send the test emails and receive emails from my forms? im using contact form7
How does Test email behave? Is it sent? What settings exactly are you using: host, port, encryption, authentication?
Here Are the Default Gmail SMTP Settings:
Gmail SMTP host:
Gmail SMTP port (in case Encryption is TLS): 587
Gmail SMTP port (in case Encryption is SSL): 465
Gmail SMTP Authentication required: yes
Gmail SMTP username: Your full Gmail address (e.g. [email protected])
Gmail SMTP password: Your Gmail passwordTaken from here:
hmm these are my settings
From Email [email protected]
You can specify the email address that emails should be sent from. If you leave this blank, the default email will be used.
From Name Company name( so it will appear during a reply am i right?)You can specify the name that emails should be sent from. If you leave this blank, the emails will be sent from WordPress.
Mailer Mailer(checked) Send all WordPress emails via SMTP.
Use the PHP mail() function to send emails.Return Path
(checked) Return Path Set the return-path to match the From Email
Return Path indicates where non-delivery receipts – or bounce messages – are to be sent.
Save ChangesHere Are the Default Gmail SMTP Settings:
Gmail SMTP host: yes
Gmail SMTP port (in case Encryption is TLS): 587 ssl selected
Gmail SMTP port (in case Encryption is SSL): 465 yes
Gmail SMTP Authentication required: yes
Gmail SMTP username: Your full Gmail address (e.g. [email protected])
Gmail SMTP password: Your Gmail passwordTaken from here:
Test Message Sent
The result was:
The full debugging output is shown below:
PHPMailer Object
[Version] => 5.2.22
[Priority] =>
[CharSet] => UTF-8
[ContentType] => text/plain
[Encoding] => 7bit
[ErrorInfo] => SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.
[From] => [email protected]
[FromName] => company name
[Sender] => [email protected]
[ReturnPath] =>
[Subject] => WP Mail SMTP: Test mail to [email protected](different from [email protected])
[Body] => This is a test email generated by the WP Mail SMTP WordPress plugin.
[AltBody] =>
[Ical] =>
[MIMEBody:protected] => This is a test email generated by the WP Mail SMTP WordPress plugin.[MIMEHeader:protected] => Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2017 02:13:42 +0000
To: [email protected]
From: mycompany
Subject: WP Mail SMTP: Test mail to [email protected]
Message-ID: <[email protected]>
X-Mailer: PHPMailer 5.2.22 (
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8[mailHeader:protected] =>
[WordWrap] => 0
[Mailer] => smtp
[Sendmail] => /usr/sbin/sendmail
[UseSendmailOptions] => 1
[PluginDir] =>
[ConfirmReadingTo] =>
[Hostname] =>
[MessageID] =>
[MessageDate] => Thu, 2 Nov 2017 02:13:42 +0000
[Host] =>
[Port] => 465
[Helo] =>
[SMTPSecure] => ssl
[SMTPAutoTLS] => 1
[SMTPAuth] => 1
[SMTPOptions] => Array
)[Username] => [email protected]
[Password] => mypassword
[AuthType] =>
[Realm] =>
[Workstation] =>
[Timeout] => 300
[SMTPDebug] => 0
[Debugoutput] => echo
[SMTPKeepAlive] =>
[SingleTo] =>
[SingleToArray] => Array
)[do_verp] =>
[AllowEmpty] =>
[LE] =>[DKIM_selector] =>
[DKIM_identity] =>
[DKIM_passphrase] =>
[DKIM_domain] =>
[DKIM_private] =>
[DKIM_private_string] =>
[action_function] =>
[XMailer] =>
[smtp:protected] => SMTP Object
[Version] => 5.2.22
[SMTP_PORT] => 25
[CRLF] =>[do_debug] => 0
[Debugoutput] => echo
[do_verp] =>
[Timeout] => 300
[Timelimit] => 300
[smtp_transaction_id_patterns:protected] => Array
[exim] => /[0-9]{3} OK id=(.*)/
[sendmail] => /[0-9]{3} 2.0.0 (.*) Message/
[postfix] => /[0-9]{3} 2.0.0 Ok: queued as (.*)/
)[smtp_conn:protected] =>
[error:protected] => Array
[error] =>
[detail] =>
[smtp_code] =>
[smtp_code_ex] =>
)[helo_rply:protected] =>
[server_caps:protected] =>
[last_reply:protected] => 221 2.0.0 closing connection d42sm1064411ote.45 – gsmtp)
[to:protected] => Array
[0] => Array
[0] => [email protected]
[1] =>
[cc:protected] => Array
)[bcc:protected] => Array
)[ReplyTo:protected] => Array
)[all_recipients:protected] => Array
[[email protected]] => 1
)[RecipientsQueue:protected] => Array
)[ReplyToQueue:protected] => Array
)[attachment:protected] => Array
)[CustomHeader:protected] => Array
)[lastMessageID:protected] => <[email protected]>
[message_type:protected] => plain
[boundary:protected] => Array
[1] => b1_7fe0e42c5b26e7c59c326bc02d766139
[2] => b2_7fe0e42c5b26e7c59c326bc02d766139
[3] => b3_7fe0e42c5b26e7c59c326bc02d766139
)[language:protected] => Array
[authenticate] => SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.
[connect_host] => SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.
[data_not_accepted] => SMTP Error: data not accepted.
[empty_message] => Message body empty
[encoding] => Unknown encoding:
[execute] => Could not execute:
[file_access] => Could not access file:
[file_open] => File Error: Could not open file:
[from_failed] => The following From address failed:
[instantiate] => Could not instantiate mail function.
[invalid_address] => Invalid address:
[mailer_not_supported] => mailer is not supported.
[provide_address] => You must provide at least one recipient email address.
[recipients_failed] => SMTP Error: The following recipients failed:
[signing] => Signing Error:
[smtp_connect_failed] => SMTP connect() failed.
[smtp_error] => SMTP server error:
[variable_set] => Cannot set or reset variable:
[extension_missing] => Extension missing:
)[error_count:protected] => 2
[sign_cert_file:protected] =>
[sign_key_file:protected] =>
[sign_extracerts_file:protected] =>
[sign_key_pass:protected] =>
[exceptions:protected] => 1
[uniqueid:protected] => 7fe0e42c5b26e7c59c326bc02d766139
The SMTP debugging output is shown below:There are a lot of possible problems.
> [email protected]
Please try to send to you own email address.
Also, SMTP debugging output is more important than a full debugging output. Can you please provide that one too?hello,
i actually used my own live gmail, i only changed to the [email protected] to give an example and hide my personal info.
as for the smtp debugging output i dont see anything below “The SMTP debugging output is shown below:” is just my settings as seen below.
From Email [email protected]
You can specify the email address that emails should be sent from. If you leave this blank, the default email will be used.
From Name xxxxxxxxx Pte LtdYou can specify the name that emails should be sent from. If you leave this blank, the emails will be sent from WordPress.
Send all WordPress emails via SMTP.(selected)
Use the PHP mail() function to send emails.Return Path
Return Path Set the return-path to match the From Email (checked)
Return Path indicates where non-delivery receipts – or bounce messages – are to be sent.hmm are u still there?
The error is:
SMTP Error: Could not authenticate.
So I’m 99.9% sure that the issue is in your email and password. Something is incorrect. Please triple check that information.
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