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  • Yes mee to, I’m not sure.
    I set like this:
    1. Modify Heartbeat
    2. Post Editor
    4. 60 sec

    Please see screenshot.

    Is this correct?
    If I want only active only in Post Editor?

    Thank You

    Plugin Author Jeff Matson


    If you want it active on only the post editor, you’ll set Deny and select all boxes but the post editor.

    I’ll be working more on the UI shortly to allow for more advanced conditions. Mainly trying to sort these initial requests first though.

    @jeffmatson, so what would be the default timing if set as you mention above? If you want it for posts only and 60 seconds as the OP showed will your recommendation accomplish that?

    @jeffmatson, Ok thank you.

    Thread Starter kld53


    @jeffmatson I understood my original settings to be disabled for posts only, not active for posts. Is that correct?

    Also, can you please explain the difference between active and modify in the new version.

    This seems like a very strange interface that could all be done on one page as it was before. Why have active/deny/modify all separate….aren’t they completely redundant? What happens if you set the same page active and deny? This just makes no sense unless you have some magic instruction sheet somewhere to enlighten us. For now, I’m rolling back.

    Plugin Author Jeff Matson


    I’m working on an update that clarifies things a bit. Hold tight for now.

    Ok @jeffmatson

    Please clarify the settings in the UI cause the new one is a bit cryptic. The “Locations” group of Dashboard / Frontend / Post Editor are exceptions or included parts of the site?

    I’ll be waiting fot the update for our sites.

    The old UI was just WONDERFUL AND INTUITIVE!
    Why did you wiped that? ??

    @kent-brockman, See the post just above yours from Jeff.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by sbailey4.

    Yep, @sbailey4, “holding tight” is a bit scary when there is no ETA and you use this plugin to prevent hight traffic sites to blow up their servers with thousands of ajax queries coming from the heartbeat…

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