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  • Same here :/

    Both these plugins have some serious coding issues.
    Tweet Old Post kills performance if you’re using WPsupercache and they both seem to affect the Dashboard as well as cron in some way.

    Both authors should join forces and fix what looks like a great feature function – wish I could go back to using it too

    Thread Starter whistlerdan


    Yes the fragmentation of this is a shame, gotta agree with that. This is the kind of plugin I’d totally pay for it worked well!

    I tweeted the Tweet Old Post author yesterday morning, with no reply yet. He appears active in tweeting himself but not so much in replying to them ??

    I was seeing quite a bit of addition engagement with the plugin so I’m naturally disappointed to see such a lack of real interest by the authors – surely having joint maintainers is a far better idea since they’re so close in functionality? Maybe it’s a personality conflict.

    Fingers crossed there’s some action soon though.

    Thread Starter whistlerdan


    For what it’s worth I’ve actually had contact with the Tweetily guy via twitter, he replied to me and is apparently going to send me a beta that fixes some of the bugs. He seems quite open and determined to make it work though.

    That’s fantastic to hear!
    Thanks for letting me know too

    Does anyone else notice that this plugin messes up the Admin CSS?

    As an example, on the 2 sites I use this on, the content area of the Admin pages appear to have a line break or paragraph break inserted which drops the content area down by a line or two.

    And even the plugins page is italicised on both my sites.

    Anyone else see this on theirs?

    Yep, the amdin plugin page turns in italic with tweetily.
    To fix that, in /wp-content/plugins/tweetily-tweet-wordpress-posts-automatically/css/tweet-old-post.css, change the first line, replace

    .toplevel_page_Tweetily .desc{

    That would be nice is this could be pushed into the next release

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