Setting wrong date upon save.
Problem: When I set a date in the future for a page to expire (publish to draft) and click save, it sets the date to today’s date (and essentially sets the page to draft immediately.
I have tried both in the Quick Actions list, and on the page editor page. Both resulting in the same outcome. (I realize I didn’t screen shot the full row showing the page’s title and “DRAFT” next to it, but that’s because I had to change it back immediately).)
I didn’t take a screen shot of this happening on the page editor, but I hope you’ll take my word for it.
- WP: 6.1.1
- PHP 8.0.25
- WP Engine (Host)
- PublishPress Future = 2.8.2
This page has the classic editor enabled (non gutenberg).
When I tried running it, I checked the chrome developer console log to see if there were any errors relating to this, and there were none.
For PublishPress Future settings, I have:
Date Format: l F jS, Y Time Format: g:ia Default Date/Time Duration: Post Publish Time Default Expiration Taxonomy (none selected) Both Email Notification options disabled. Display in Footer: Disabled Post Types: Only "Page" all others are inactive. For Page: How to Expire = Draft Auto Enable = Disabled Default Date/Time Duration = Inherit from General Settings Advanced I tried both "Show gutenberg style box" and "show classic editor style box", same result both times. User roles: Administrator (I am the admin) Preserve Data = Yes Diagnostics: I turned on Debugging and you can see the log below. WP-Cron Status = Enabled.
2022-12-21 20:24:55 DEBUG: 727 -> CRON EVENT SCHEDULED at Thu, 24 Nov 2022 00:01:00 -0500 (1669266060) with options Array ( [expireType] => draft [category] => [categoryTaxonomy] => [enabled] => [id] => 727 ) , no errors found 2022-12-21 20:25:22 DEBUG: 727 -> UNSCHEDULED, no errors found
If I am reading this correctly, the log says I set it for Thursday Nov 24, 2022 (today is Dec 21st), so that doesn’t even make sense. (Probably should have min date of today be added at some point to that drop down, no?)
For my WP General Settings:
Local Time and my computers’ clock match too.
Any ideas what the issue could be? (or any known plugin conflicts that I should look out for?)
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