• Please can someone tell me (in very simple terms) how to:
    a) set up an RSS feed button on my blog i.e. so that other people can just press the little orange icon when they visit my blog and get my feed
    b) set up a subscribe by email button, a very simple one whereby someone just has to type their email address in to the field and then press a ‘subscribe’ button to the right

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  • Haha… you would be good at conflict resolution ??

    One sec, lemme go look.

    Thread Starter actelliott


    Great – thanks v much for having a look

    On line 43 of your “suscribe-here-widget.css” file is the element .rss-widget. You need to change the height attribute from 32px to something like 90px.

    The file should be located in your “suscribe-here-widget” plugin directory.

    Thread Starter actelliott


    Wow – ok, that sounds v promising, thank you. Sorry to be so dozy but where on the dashboard is the plugin directory? I can see the ‘installed plugins’ tab but that just takes me to a list and if I click on one it takes me back to the site I downloaded the widget from

    Yup… in the plugin menu, you should see something like “editor”. Click that, and in the top right of the screen you should see a drop-down menu. Select “suscribe-here-widget”, then click “ok”. Then, all the files associated with the plugin will be listed on the right side of the screen.

    Choose “suscribe-here-widget.css”, and it will open in the editor.

    NOTE: The editor doesn’t use line numbers (don’t ask me why), so you will need to either manually count to line 43… or just look for the line that starts with .rss-widget.

    Thread Starter actelliott


    Ha! found it. It worked, brilliant – thank you so much Josh.

    Don’t suppose you have any idea what I need to do to enable subscriptions by email do you?

    No worries if not, you’ve already made a huge difference. (And if my career in writing/editing goes belly up, I’ll bear in mind the conflict resolution tip!)

    I’m not familiar with feedburner. Were you given code you needed to insert into your widget?

    What is it, or isn’t it, doing that’s not right?

    Thread Starter actelliott


    I was given an rss code, which I put in, there was no mention of any other code.

    When I try to subscribe by email I get the response:
    ‘The feed does not have subscriptions by email enabled’

    Thread Starter actelliott


    by rss code, I mean yes it was a feedburner code, which I was asked for when I activated the widget

    What is the code you were given by feedburner?

    (If it’s longer than 10 lines, please use https://www.pastebin.com)

    Thread Starter actelliott


    This is the code, it’s worked for the RSS but not email subscribe (and its a single widget that’s meant to do both)


    Oh… it’s a plugin. I forgot. I thought you were adding the code manually to your widget area.

    Is this the plugin you are using?


    Did you have to go to feedburner and create an account?

    Thread Starter actelliott


    Yes that’s right, adding code manually is a bit beyond me at the moment.

    The plugin is called ‘subscribe here’ but I did have to go to feedburner to get an ID. (and before I tried that widget I tried the straight feedburner form plug-in but it wasn’t working so I deactivated it and tried subscribe here instead.

    Okay. What do you have entered as your feed id for the email part?

    Thread Starter actelliott


    There’s only one place to enter feed id (and I entered the one I mentioned above: https://feeds.feedburner.com/ReopeningTheCase) which I assumed covered both the rss and email (there’s only one entry field so I don’t know where else I need to enter it)

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