Hey @guido07111975,
With Facebook “pages” it is possible to only get posts from the actual “page” itself. However, with groups, as it isn’t possible to post as the “group” and is only possible to post as individual people within the group, then Facebook doesn’t provide this option in their API unfortunately.
What you could do though, is use CSS to just hide all of the posts from other members of the groups and then only display posts from your user. However, this may not work well if you have other members posting a lot more regularly than you. To try this, first set the “Number of posts to display” to be 100. Then add the following to the plugin’s Custom CSS section (Facebook Feed > Customize > Misc > Custom CSS):
.cff-item{ display: none !important; }
#[YOUR_ID]{ display: block !important; }
You would need to replace [YOUR_ID]
with your actual user ID. You can find this by right clicking on one of your posts in the feed and selecting “Inspect element”. Then copying your ID from the “id” attribute (screenshot). So, for example, it would look like this:
.cff-item{ display: none !important; }
#cff_410484879066269_3221705107944218{ display: block !important; }
Save the changes, and then that should only display posts from your user ID.
Let me know whether that helps, and I hope you’re having a good start to your week!